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Tutorial - Handling Responses

Define a response Schema

Django Ninja allows you to define the schema of your responses both for validation and documentation purposes.

We'll create a third operation that will return information about the current Django user.

from ninja import Schema

class UserSchema(Schema):
    username: str
    is_authenticated: bool
    # Unauthenticated users don't have the following fields, so provide defaults.
    email: str = None
    first_name: str = None
    last_name: str = None

@api.get("/me", response=UserSchema)
def me(request):
    return request.user

This will convert the Django User object into a dictionary of only the defined fields.

Multiple response types

Let's return a different response if the current user is not authenticated.

class UserSchema(Schema):
    username: str
    email: str
    first_name: str
    last_name: str

class Error(Schema):
    message: str

@api.get("/me", response={200: UserSchema, 403: Error})
def me(request):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return 403, {"message": "Please sign in first"}
    return request.user 

As you see, you can return a 2-part tuple which will be interpreted as the HTTP response code and the data.


That concludes the tutorial! Check out the Other Tutorials or the How-to Guides for more information.